Brandon McMillan MasterClass Review – Best for Dog Training? is fully supported by its readers. If you buy through my affiliate links I earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

In this Brandon McMillan MasterClass review, I’ll be sharing if this course is worth taking if you are a dog parent.

I love dogs.

And being a dog parent myself, I was in much need of a training course.

Thanks to my loving doggo for his late-night barking behavior!

So, I immediately completed this almost 3 hours course to learn tactics.

And finally, after putting in an excellent effort for up to 4 weeks, my doggo started getting adjusted.

Therefore, for dog owners or aspiring puppy parents today, I will review Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass and see if it is right for you.

Let’s begin, shall we?

A Quick Brandon McMillan MasterClass Review

In a hurry? Check out a quick review of Brandon McMillan MasterClass.

What you’ll learn: Seven common commands, day-to-day usable commands for your dog, basics of dog training.

Course duration: The total runtime is 2 hours 58 minutes divided into 15 video lessons.

Best to pair with: Ron Finley MasterClass, Dr. Jane Goodall MasterClass, James Suckling MasterClass

Recommendation: 10/10. I recommend this MasterClass to every dog owner because this MasterClass covers all the essential things necessary for training your dog for basic commands. And I’m sure you will need to train your dog in basic commands eventually.

About Brandon McMillan

Brandon McMillan grew up familiar with animals as his father and uncle used to train circus animals and wild animals for television and movies.

And later on, McMillan followed in their footsteps.

However, the journey of training service dogs started for McMillan when he got a call from a friend to train a dog for a military veteran who lost both legs.

And when McMillan saw the man’s urgent need for help and how happy the service dog made him, he immediately took the opportunity.

After a year of training this rescue dog, McMillan realized that dog training was a worthwhile field, and he got a mission thereon: training dogs to change people’s lives.

From there on, McMillan never looked back.

Today, he continues to train the shelter dogs and make them disciplined enough to place them with families.

Even McMillan was also the host of the hit CBS show Lucky Dog for seven seasons.

McMillan also wrote a special book on dog training: Lucky Dog Lessons: Train Your Dog in 7 Days.

Apart from this, he’s also the founder of the Argus Service Dog Foundation.

Therefore, McMillan is the guy whenever you need any help regarding dog training.

And that’s why I didn’t let this opportunity go away when I saw Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass and was in strong need of an online dog training course.

Brandon McMillan MasterClass Review: Worth It?

You already know about the course’s basic overview, so it is time to dive deep into the MasterClass and unfold everything.

However, before that, let’s figure out what’s probably happening in your mind.

How Much Does Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass Cost?

Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass comes with a MasterClass subscription, not individual pricing.

You must choose between three-tier MasterClass plans to access this and other courses.

Fortunately, MasterClass has affordable plans for your course needs and divided its membership into three categories.

  1. Individual plan (formerly Standard plan)
  2. Duo plan (formerly Plus plan)
  3. Family plan (formerly Premium plan)

Now, the question is, how much do these memberships cost?

Individual Plan

The Individual plan costs $180 per year, averaging $15 monthly.

And as the name itself suggests, this plan is best for Individual learners who want to access MasterClass on a single device.

Under an individual plan, you can access 180+ premium courses from all categories available on the platform and other features.

Duo Plan

The Duo plan costs $240 annually, averaging $20 monthly.

And under this plan, you get MasterClass access on two devices simultaneously.

Therefore, it is best suited for couple-learners, friends, or those wanting to simultaneously get MasterClass membership on two devices.

Family Plan

The family plan is the uppermost plan on MasterClass.

Under this membership, you can get MasterClass access on up to six different devices simultaneously.

Therefore, it is best suited for a group of friends or learners who want to get MasterClass access in bulk.

However, the MasterClass family plan costs $276 per year, up to an average of $23 per month.

In my MasterClass cost guide, I discussed this platform’s ‘True’ cost and which plan is suitable for whom detail.

What Does This MasterClass Promise?

Before I talk about what this course holds for you.

You need to know about the promises this class makes to get you by the end of it.

So, at the very start of the class, McMillan talks about teaching you seven different verbal commands about dog training, which are basic yet highly important.

In short, this MasterClass promises you to:

  • Make a strong bond with your dog
  • Understand the basics of dog training
  • Learn about seven different commands that you can give to your dog
  • How you can make a better relationship with your dog
  • Busting some myths about dog training

Above are the promises that this MasterClass makes you teach by the end of the class.

However, the ultimate question is whether or not this MasterClass was able to stand on its promises.

So, let’s get inside this MasterClass and unfold everything.

Inside The Brandon McMillan MasterClass: Complete Breakdown

What’s Included In Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass?

This MasterClass runs for almost 3 hours and has a course value of 9.5/10.

There are 15 video lessons in the course, but the whole class can be divided into three main sections:

  1. Video Lessons
  2. Supplementary Workbook
  3. Community

In this MasterClass or any other, you are most likely to find only these components of the overall course.

First, you get through video lessons directly from the instructor.

Then, to add to your knowledge and for more reference, you can download an additional workbook on your device.

Remember that some workbooks include assignments (like Chriss Voss MasterClass and N.K. Jemisin MasterClass).

However, the main goal of the workbook is to provide you with the following:

  • Summary of the video courses (in the form of each chapter)
  • Assignments and practice pages
  • References to read more about

The Brandon McMillan workbook is one of my favorites (review in a bit).

Further, each course on MasterClass also has a community page where you can discuss your doubts, ask questions, and seek feedback.

You also get that community page in Brandon McMillan MasterClass.

So, now, let’s break down each of these components to know how they performed in the course structure.

Video Lessons Review

The average runtime of each video lesson in Brandon McMillan MasterClass is around 10 minutes.

And this is one of the best parts of most MasterClass courses. Each video length is practically of perfect duration so that you can complete at least one lesson daily.

This feature becomes useful for office workers who still want to upskill themselves.

However, due to the short duration of courses, one can even complete the whole class on the weekends.

Moving on, the curriculum of Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass is as follows once you enroll in it:

  1. Meet Your Instructor: Brandon McMillan
  2. Variables That Make Your Dog Unique
  3. Trust & Groundwork for Training
  4. Training Foundations & the 7 Common Commands
  5. Signaling Commands & Leash Techniques
  6. Sit
  7. Down
  8. Stay
  9. No
  10. Off
  11. Come
  12. Heel
  13. Behavior: Housebreaking
  14. Behavior: Door Dashing
  15. Behavior: Digging, Chewing, Barking

If you observe, there is no wrap-up lesson or conclusive video in the course.

And it feels like this MasterClass has ended now. Still, there is much more to focus on apart from this.

So, now, we will be diving deep into video lessons and the learnings it provides.

Foundational Video Lessons

Lessons 1 to 5 take you through different theoretical concepts necessary before dog training.

However, at first, it might feel like it’s boring, but it is one of the most essential parts.

Thanks to McMillan he busts many myths about dog training.

He focuses on describing how your dog’s behavior is unique and what makes your doggo different from others, as studying before you can train them is essential.

Throughout these foundational videos, Brandon makes you aware of the different components of dog training.

For instance, he says that no dog is untrainable and multiple behavioral issues come from a lack of exercise.

Brandon dispels the nature vs. nurture theory and explains how certain things are hardwired into a dog’s DNA.

He even tells how training an old dog to new tricks is not impossible.

It is more challenging, but with a dedicated lesson for each command, you can also teach that.

The best part about Brandon is that he is empathetic and builds trust with his dogs, which you can observe in his training videos (review in a bit).

And you can learn how to establish a bond with your dog.

One of the most important lessons from these lessons was that he clarified that dog training is not about being the alpha or establishing dominance.

It is about leading and teaching a dog that it should follow you.

Another gentle reminder that this course gives is that collars, electric fences, or any other questionable training methods related to dogs are not used.

Actual Training Video Lessons

Once you have gone through the theoretical concepts, then Brandon will take you through the training section.

From lesson six onwards, you will find the seven different commands that are basic yet crucial to teach your dog, which Brandon has already talked about at the start of the course.

These seven main commands are:

  1. Sit
  2. Down
  3. Stay
  4. No
  5. Off
  6. Come
  7. Heel

The best part is that Brandon doesn’t only sit in front of the camera and talks about these commands.

Instead, you can see him actually train a dog so that you can also replicate that at home.

Again, one of the plus points of Brandon is that, throughout the training process, you can observe how much he cares and makes a trustworthy bond.

He is compassionate, so the dogs also trust him completely.

Therefore, you can learn these and the training tactics to implement them with your dog.


In lesson 12, you are more than halfway through the course and aware of the theoretical concepts of dog training and about seven different commands you can teach your dog.

Now, the last three chapters get you through the most common behavior-related issues dog owners face.

The issues like housebreaking, door rushing, excessive barking, digging, and chewing.

However, after these three chapters, the course ends abruptly, and there is no conclusion chapter or so, which feels a bit off, but it is not a deal breaker.

Supplementary Workbook Review

Brandon McMillan’s supplementary workbook is one of my favorites because of its visual appeal.

Unlike other workbooks where you get tons of texts in the pdf to read through, this MasterClass is loaded with diagrammatical explanations about what you have learned in the videos.

The workbook is filled with colorful, practical guides and lets you quickly grasp what you have learned.

Therefore, the clear illustrations and many pictures of dogs with guiding texts wherever needed make this workbook one of the best.

After watching the video lessons, you can follow up on the workbook, and it will surely be worth your time.

Community Review

Another perk of having MasterClass courses is getting a community of learners along with you.

And with Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass, you get a community page where you can ask your doubts, put questions, and even seek feedback.

However, this MasterClass’s community page is not that much active. But you always have a back of several other learners along with you.

Brandon McMillan MasterClass Summary

As mentioned, I hopped into this MasterClass due to my doggy’s late-night barking issue.

I wanted him to be disciplined when my friends came around, so I took this MasterClass.

And with those expectations, this MasterClass was up to its promises.

The course begins with basics and allows you to understand first the first rules of training a dog.

After that, you learn about the practical commands you can teach your dog, such as the sit command, which a dog owner immensely uses.

Similarly, you can learn a total of seven commands from Brandon in this course.

Brandon also tells you his own story initially so that you can see that he has the expertise he is talking about.

By the end of the course, you are sure to learn some methods by which you can train your dog for primary discipline.

Does This MasterClass Keep Its Promises?

Yes, 100%.

This MasterClass promises to teach you dog training basics and the seven commands.

And Brandon does that job brilliantly.

He establishes the foundation and then moves toward practical training.

He even takes you through dogs’ behavioral issues and how to deal with them.

So, by the end of this MasterClass, you get to learn everything from the theory to practical concepts which this MasterClass promised initially.

What Will You Need to Follow Brandon McMillan’s Dog Training MasterClass?

To make the most out of this MasterClass, you can implement what you learn from it.

And for that, you need:

  • Leash
  • Treats
  • Harness or flat collar
  • Baby gates and crate

However, if you are serious about following Brandon’s methods, you can directly follow the MasterClass lesson, where he talks about everything you need to train your doggo.

Is The Brandon McMillan Dog Training MasterClass Worth it?

In short, yes, it is 100% worth it.

If you already have a dog or plan to buy a puppy, you will most likely need this MasterClass.

And thanks to the simplicity and easy-to-learn concepts, you can follow and implement them quickly to make a better bond with your dog.

I have found this MasterClass worth it for me as I implemented the behavioral method from Brandon. After implementing that for three weeks, I could make my doggo slightly habitual of discipline.

I want to mention here that, with this MasterClass, you need to be very patient enough.

You cannot immediately make your doggo do whatever you want with this MasterClass method.

However, you have to put in effort for several days and even for weeks in some cases to make the most out of this course.

But yes, for a serious dog trainer and owner, this is one of the best online dog training courses that every dog owner must take.

What I Learned From Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass

Being a dog owner, I can confidently say that I have learned so much from this MasterClass.

There were many new things that I got to know, as well as some myths that were busted through this course.

If I had to sum up my learnings in 3 lessons, here are the most important ones:

1. Learn how to build trust with your dog

A dog is man’s best friend.

This MasterClass emphasizes how important it is to build your bond and trust with your dog before teaching him discipline.

The lessons strictly talk about avoiding dominating behavior and focusing more on leading.

For example, if your pup constantly chews on furniture, then instead of yelling at him, you can choose to manage the situation by giving them a proper chew toy instead.

2. Patience is key

I understand how frustrating it is when your doggo does mischievous behavior.

But if you struggle to make him disciplined, you must have patience.

You cannot expect to make your dog learn whatever you say in a day or two.

Regular exercise through commands and treats can get you proper results.

So, keep patience when learning and implementing discipline for your dog.

3. Understand the four key elements of your dog.

Brandon calls these elements variables: breed, age, history, and imprinted DNA.

And these four key elements or variables make your dog different from all other dogs.

Therefore, once you understand this, you can get through the art of training your dog quickly.

Brandon McMillan MasterClass Pros And Cons


  • Get to learn from the expert dog trailer and a popular host of the Lucky Dog show.
  • Learn everything related to training a dog from the basics.
  • Learn how to make a trustable relationship with your dog.
  • Real clips from various training sessions and events.
  • Learn seven different commands which are basic yet important for every dog owner.
  • Celebrity dog trainer and years of experience for training different dog breeds.
  • Lots of dogs throughout the course!


  • No conclusion or ending chapter.

You can watch the trailer to have a quick sneak peek into the course:

Also, check:

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the Brandon McMillan MasterClass?

The total duration for the Brandon McMillan MasterClass is 2 hours and 58 minutes, comprising 15 video lessons.

Each video lesson has an average duration of 10 minutes.

Does MasterClass have a cancellation policy?

Yes, MasterClass has a satisfaction guarantee. Under this, if you didn’t find MasterClass satisfactory, you can ask for a refund if you are eligible.

To proceed with that, you have to contact MasterClass customer support.

Is Brandon McMillan MasterClass Worth Giving A Shot?

If you own a dog or are planning to buy a puppy, Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass is 100% worth taking.

In this masterclass, Brandon teaches you all about the basics of training a dog and what you should do if you are frustrated with your dog’s mischievous behavior, ultimately making them well-trained.

Can I Get A Refund If I Don’t Like The Brandon McMillan MasterClass?

If you don’t like the Brandon McMillan MasterClass, you can check your eligibility under the MasterClass satisfaction guarantee.

And if you are eligible, you can get a full refund from the MasterClass.

Do I Recommend This MasterClass?

With the end of this Brandon McMillan MasterClass review, I 100% recommend this course to any dog owner or those planning to buy a puppy.

This MasterClass teaches you the basic commands for your dog and takes you through some essential relationship concepts with your dog.

And as Brandon puts it, there are no untrainable dogs, just untrained humans.

Most importantly, after completing this course, you will be more mature in dealing with your dog when they do what annoys you the most.

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