Martha Stewart Masterclass Review in 2024: Worth it? is fully supported by its readers. If you buy through my affiliate links I earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

Have you ever thought of getting an opportunity to spend your time with self-made billionaires who have built successful companies and understand the secret of their success?

I know it may sound like an unachievable dream for many people, but what if I tell you that you achieve this at the cost of less than the burger?

Yes, you heard it right. That is what you feel like when you enroll in the Martha Stewart Masterclass.

This course will teach you everything that has made Martha Stewart a billionaire and the owner of multiple successful businesses in different industries.

With this post, I will take a closer look at the Martha Stewart Masterclass Review and the things this course covers, and in the end post, I will also share my personal experience of whether it’s worth investing your time and money.

Quick summary of Martha Stewart Masterclass

What you will learn: starting a business out of something you love, time management, team building, setting goals, building habits, effective communication, and many more.

Runtime: 1 Hour and 29 min

Who is this course for: Anyone who wants to learn about the expertise of Martha Stewart in areas like business, homemaking, gardening, entertaining, and more

Recommendation: 8.5/10 ( It covers all the wisdom of building the business out of something you love)

Martha Stewart Masterclass Review in 2024

Martha Stewart Masterclass

Let’s get started!

So make sure you read to the end, but before that, let’s have a quick overview of what this post covers.

  • About Martha Stewart ( why she is the right person)
  • Overview of the Martha Stewart Masterclass
  • Things covered in Martha Stewart Masterclass
  • Who should consider Martha Stewart Masterclass?
  • My honest experience about this course?
  • Pros and cons of Martha Stewart Masterclass
  • Is it worth buying Martha Stewart masterclass?

And many more, let’s get started without any further delay and explore the Martha Stewart Course.

Introduction of the instructor: Martha Stewart

Now, before we jump right into it and explore Martha Stewart’s course, it’s vital for you to get an idea about your instructor. This will help you resonate with their journey and understand the lessons more effectively.

So, let’s start with the first question: Who is Martha Stewart?

Who is Martha Stewart?

Martha Stewart is an American businesswoman, writer, author, and TV host best known for her books on cookies, entertainment, and decorating. Later, she started her own lifestyle brand and media company, Martha Stewart Ominimedia, which has become a multi-dollar business.

In 1982, she published her first book, Martha Stewart’s Entertaining, which became a big turning point in her life and helped her gain immense success and popularity among Americans.

However, the journey of achieving success in business, or as the author, is not easy for Martha. Initially, she also worked as a model and a stockbroker to pay her college fees.

With ups and downs, one common trait in her character is that she never gives up and keeps pushing her limits, even in her eighties. She has become an inspiration for many people.

The best part is that she has shared her life lessons and her journey from working as a model to becoming a billionaire and owner of multiple businesses in this course to help people achieve the same results in less time and reach their destination.

Now let’s jump in and see the overview of Martha Stewart masterclass and the topics she has covered in her course.

Overview of the Martha Stewart Masterclass

Martha Stewart’s Think Like a Boss and Live Like Legend is an online course offered by Masterclass, an online subscription-based platform known for offering high-quality courses led by experts.

In this course, Martha shared about finding passions, building habits, prioritizing time, networking with people, and starting your own business from something you love.

Additionally, she has also shared his ideas on building teams, creating the brand, finding opportunities, and staying relevant to the trend, market, and audience.

In short, This masterclass is the power-packed experience of the self-made billionaire, which will give access to the mindset of the people who achieved something significant in their lives.

The good news is that this course is divided into two parts, with a total duration of 1 hour and 29 minutes, which makes it easier for people to understand the content and implement the course in real time.

Things covered in Martha Stewart Masterclass

As said earlier, Martha Stewart courses cover a wide range of topics, from finding passion to building habits, creating a brand, and growing the team — everything you need.

This course is mainly divided into two parts. In the first part, this course covers the mindset, routine, and habits of Martha Stewart that helped them to achieve success,

In the second part, this course will cover business aspects, such as creating a business out of passion and love and growing it to the next level and one of the example of such business is her catering which has changed her life.

Now, let’s jump into the in-depth review of each video lesson of this course and see what it contains, as it helps you understand the worth of your investment.

Martha Stewart: Think Like a Boss, Live Like a Legend

It is the first video lesson that sets the tone of the entire course; in this lesson, Martha has given a glimpse of the mindset of successful people, including herself, who helped to become legendary personalities in their industry.

Some of the things that have been highlighted in this lesson inlucdes taking charge, becoming a positive person, and never settling for mediocrity.

I was impressed by her honesty in sharing the challenges she faces in building a successful business and writing many books.

Get More Done by Building Daily Habits and a Schedule

This is the second class in which Martha discusses her wisdom in creating a schedule and managing time. She also emphasizes building the right habits that will help you achieve your goal.

Additionally, she shared practical tips on creating the schedule, breaking the larger goals into smaller ones, and writing down the actionable steps to achieve them.

Overall, this lesson mostly covers the method of building a habit and creating a schedule to achieve the result that you want.

Instill Your Own Passion and Work Ethic in Your Team

There is no doubt that having the right team is the key to building a successful business; with this video lesson, Martha has shared her insights on creating the work culture and hiring the right individual in your team.

Besides that, she explained things with an example, which made it easier for me to understand work ethic and create a positive working environment.

Build Your Business Around Something You Love

No matter whether you accept it or not, Martha is one of the leading examples who turned her love of homemaking and entertainment into a multimillion-dollar business.

In this video lesson, she shares her journey of finding a passion for homemaking and entertainment and becoming a self-made billionaire. She also shares how to build a business out of something you love.

Make the most of your time and other people’s time

Time is one of the most precious assets, and how you utilize this asset will decide the tragedy of your life. With this masterclass, Martha has shared the importance of managing time and setting boundaries and expectations with other people.

Furthermore, she has also covered some of the important aspects, including minimizing distractions, delegating the work to the right people, and being punctual.

Seek Out People Who Are Brimming With Talent and Enthusiasm, Even if They’re Better Than You

With this lesson on seeking out the right people, Martha has shared the importance of surrounding yourself with passionate and talented people, even if they outshine you in some areas.

Martha encourages collaboration and learning from experts in their respective fields who have experience in their work.

Give Honest Feedback, Maintain High Standards, and Be Constructive

There is the very famous quote of Bill Gates that I have fallen in love with is that We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

That’s what Martha has covered in this lesson; in this lesson, she has shared wisdom on giving honest feedback to your team members and colleagues.

Besides that, she also put the importance of constructive criticism in a respectful manner while maintaining a high standard.

Get a Telescope, a Microscope, and a Wide-Angle Lens

In this video lesson, you will learn about the importance of having a broader vision when it comes to life and business, and she encourages you to take the back and see the bigger picture of your mission (telescope) while seeing the attention to details (Microscope) and considering the different verticals (Using the wide angle lens)

I liked this lesson, where she explained the concept using different analogies, such as a telescope, microscope, and wide-angle lenses.

Innovate and Evolve to Stay Relevant

As the name of the lesson suggests, Innovate and evolve to stay relevant. This simply means that if you want to stay relevant to your customers and make your business successful, you need to continuously innovate your products, services, processes, messaging, and brand storyline.

She also shares her story of how she reinvented herself in the aspects of business and life and became relevant to the market.

Embrace New Tech to Find New Audiences

There is no better way to build the distribution of business than leveraging tech as it is cost-effective and saves you time; with this lesson, Martha has shared how to use the new age platform and marketing channels like social media and content marketing to grow your business.

Grab New Opportunities, Even When They Scare You a Little

No matter whether you are doing business or a job, at some point, if you have to make the decisions and chase the opportunities, that scare may be to call that client, show that presentation, or create the content for your business; it can be anything else.

With this video lesson, Martha highlighted the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks to grow your business or your personal life.

Reframe Setbacks as Learning Opportunities

Facing setbacks and rejection is part of the journey of building a successful company or business. There will be some situation that comes into the business where you feel like nothing is working out.

But at the time, you need to believe in yourself, take failure as the data point, and improve it the next time. In this lesson, Martha shared his personal experience and the incident where she felt like giving up.

My single ingredient for success is passion

As mentioned at the start of the post, how Martha started his business out of her passion and turned it into a million-dollar business. With these lessons, she has shared her core ingredient for finding passion, nurturing, and making a business out of it.

Additionally, how she has found her passion in homemaking and built the business around it to make it successful.

Legacy Isn’t a Past Tense Experience: It’s What You Are Going to Build Tomorrow or Next Week

I don’t have to explain what has been covered in this lesson as the title says itself, that legacy is not a past tense experience, which means that legacy is not about past achievement. It’s an ongoing process that requires consistent work and commitment.

She also highlighted the same things in this video lesson, where he mentioned that legacy is not a one-time activity but a regular action ornated work that requires regular efforts.

Beyond the Basics

This lesson compiles all the things she has shared so far in the above 14 lessons; beyond that, it covers various topics, ranging from leadership, time management, and setting priorities to all her business principles.

Martha: On How to Be a Boss

In this video lesson on how to be a boss, Martha lays out her philosophy of becoming an effective leader and boss. She also shares practical tips on building confidence, motivating teams, delegating work, and having a strong vision.

The thing that I liked most about this lesson was her decades of experience running multiple teams and managing people effectively.

Martha on Leadership

Becoming an effective leader is one of the cores of building highly motivated teams and creating a successful business; with this lesson, you get access to the principles of Martha on how to be an effective leader, motivate the teams, and create a positive work environment that people to work with.

Furthermore, she has also covered her journey of becoming an effective leader and running multiple businesses in different industries.

Prioritizing time and tasks

As a CEO or business owner of any company, it’s vital to work on the necessary and urgent things to grow the company, but sometimes, due to too much noise from their people, most people get distracted.

However, these lessons help you understand the strategies and tactics for managing your schedule and maximizing your productivity by allocating time blocks for important projects and avoiding distractions while doing work.

Team Building and Managing

Building the right is a core and important pillar for creating a sustainable business. Martha has built multiple successful businesses in different industries. She has a decade of experience building and managing a team.

In this video lesson, you will learn about the strategy of building and tips on hiring and onboarding top talent to build successful teams that take accountability for the work.

Evolving and changing

Using herself as an example, Martha teaches you the importance of continuously evolving and changing yourself personally and professionally to remain relevant to the people and over your competitors. This lesson also highlighted her personal journey of pivoting ideas and adopting new ones.

Look into the future

It’s okay to be in the present moment and take action today. Still, it is also vital to look into the future and observe emerging trends and technology to stay updated with the market and see what is working for other people and where is more attention of your target market.

These are the 21 lessons that this course covers, which are divided into two parts. The first is about spending the day with the self-made billionaire, and the second is about the strategy that made her billionaire.

Now let’s discuss the most important question: who should consider buying her course?

Who should consider Martha Stewart Masterclass?

From my experience while going through the Martha Stewart materclass, I believe that this course is specially designed for the three types of people, so let’s discuss one of them in detail.

Entrepreneur and business owner

In my experience, firstly, this course is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs. The lessons revolve around the business process and system, like building the team, managing the time, creating the content, and everything else that the course covers.

So, if you are a business owner or an entrepreneur, investing your money in learning practical strategies from the smart billionaire will be worth it, and you should consider investing.

Homemakers and lifestyle enthusiasts

If you have a passion for cooking, baking, entertaining, or homemaking, then the course will be perfect for you as the instructor, Martha Stewart, has shared how she created the business around her passion for homemaking and building the multimillion-dollar empire.

Creative people like artists, writers, and authors

Lastly, this masterclass is also suitable for the creative professional as Martha has shared her personal method of building a business about something you love. You will find some valuable lessons on creating your own business and making it successful.

For people who want to start their own business but are confused about where to begin and unable to find business ideas, Sara Barley’s self-made entrepreneurship course may be helpful.

She is another self-made billionaire sharing her insights on starting a business, even if you don’t have any ideas.

What I liked about Martha Stewart course?

After watching her course, completing most of the lessons, and recommending it to some of my friends, here are some of the things that I liked about this course that you can consider before investing your time and money.

Relatable and Engaging Teaching Style

The first thing that I liked about her courses was her engaging way of explaining things despite her immense success and celebrity status; most importantly, she has the skills to connect with her students personally, making the concepts more relatable and very easy to understand.

Practical and actionable advice

Another thing that makes this course popular among her fans is this it offers practical advice that you can implement easily, from creating the schedule to managing time, building the right team, hiring the right people, and motivating the employees. This course is packed with practical guides that anyone can implement easily.

Covers a wide range of topics

I have mentioned that this course will mostly revolve around business lessons. Still, on the other side, his course also teaches you about personal growth, from setting goals to prioritizing your time to creating an action plan to achieve them.

I liked her wisdom, mainly on topics such as innovation, leadership, managing teams, prioritizing time, and avoiding distractions.

What I don’t like about Martha Stewart Course?

In the previous section, I mentioned the list of things that I liked about this course. Now, let’s talk about what can be improved in their course to make it even more helpful for the users.

Lack of Interactive Elements

After completing this course and watching the various lessons, one thing that disappointed me is that it does not have any interactive elements to give me real-time experiences, like hands-on projects, workbooks, and the framework, although it has some practical exercises.

Duration of course

This is not a bad thing about this course; from my experience, I think they can make it a bit longer, cover more topics related to business and marketing, and, most importantly, share more about her personal journey and life lessons.

Martha Stewart Masterclass: Pros & Cons

In my experience, they have covered enough for anyone who wants to start their own business and grow it to the next level, but there are still a few things that the course lacks. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of this course.

Wide range of topics coveredLimited interactive elements
Well-structured lessonsLack of personalized feedback
High-quality production valueMinimal community engagement
Practical tips and adviceInfrequent updates or new content
Inspiring projects and ideasNo skill level customization
Access to exclusive resourcesNo certification or portfolio option

How much does Martha Stewart cost?

As mentioned above, this course is hosted in the masterclass, so to get access to this, you need to buy a subscription to the masterclass. Here are three subscription options that you can choose from based on your needs and preferences.

  • Standard Plan: $120 Per Year ( Access to 1 Device and No offline Mode)
  • Plus: $180 Per year (access to 2 Devices and Offline Mode)
  • Premium: $240 Per Year (access to 6 Devices and Offline mode)

Each of the plans has its specifications. To get more idea about the pricing of the masterclass, you can check out the complete guide on the masterclass review.

Is it worth buying Martha Stewart masterclass?

From my experience, Martha Stewart’s course is worth taking, especially if you are a fan and admirer of her work and are interested in learning her expertise in cooking, entertaining, crafting, and home decor.

This course offers immense knowledge and inspiration for building a successful business out of something you love.

However, if you are looking for an interactive course that gives you a personalized learning experience and some projects, this course might not be a good fit for you. 

Overall, I would recommend this course to anyone interested in learning the secret of success of self-made billionaire Martha Stewart, including her work ethic and daily routine.


It is my honest review of Martha Stewart’s master class, and from my experience, her cores are valuable and helpful for people who want to grow their businesses and make them successful. 

Overall, you can consider the courses, especially if you want to learn from the expertise of Martha Steward, which helped her make a fortune out of her passion.

If you still have any questions regarding Martha Stewart Masterclass Review, please let me know in the comment section

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